July 13, 2012

The magic of Ramadan

Soon the time of Ramadan starts. It's a very special time for the arabian world and those many muslims over the world.

In the western world it is usually said that Ramadan is just a fasting month, but for muslims it is much more than that. Althougt you are not allowed to eat or drink anything the wohle day - from sunrise to sunset - most of the muslims are looking forward to it. Usually every muslim has to fast, but old or ill people, children or pregnant women are allowed to eat and drink.

Like always during the day people are busy doing their everyday business but when the sun starts to set everyone is hurrying to get home for taking the first meal of the day together with the whole family. In morocco I learned that the first meal after sunset is called iftar ( إفطار ) which means fast breaking or futur ( فطور ) which mean s breakfast. Later in the evening a second meal is eaten and sometimes even a third meal that is taken late in the night - but moroccan people are used to it.

If you ever traveled to an arabian country you will know that usually there are always a lot of people out on the street especially in big cities. But in Ramadan on sunset you will hardly find anyone on the streets. Somehow it's macigal ... You're walking along a street so crowded and busy as ever and not even half an hour later ... you are alone, a place you never saw so deserted - as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth - you feel alone but comfortable.

Pic by Marina Oliphant
Especially women are very busy before and during this month sparing no efforts to prepare alle the special moroccan sweets, cakes and things usually eaten in Ramadan. A very special sweet that is normally just eaten during Ramadan in Morocco is called Sellou. The consistency is like sand and it also looks like ordinary sand you can find on a beach but no ... it's not sand. And like all moroccan sweets it's very delicious and very sweet. Sellou is mostly made of flour, roasted almonds and butter. If I make Sellou during Ramadan I will definetly post the recipe.

While Ramadan every evening the whole family comes together, eating a lot of delicious and energy-rich food, meeting friends and going out late.
One day you really should travel to an arabian country while Ramadan. Maybe you get an invitation to eat breakfast with someones family. Belive me, it is so special and wonderful.

I hope you'll enjoy the delicious recipes I will post during this year's Ramadan.


  1. Oh was für ein schöner und interessanter Post^^ Ich möchte gern mal den Ramadan erleben..und möchte unbedingt mal in ein arabisches Land..<3

    1. Öhmm .... ich glaube da lässt sich vllt was machen ^^
